Saline Wound Wash

Product information




Cleaning and wound irrigation.  Rinses away debris and germs. 0.9% sodium chloride and PSI range between 4 and 15 as compliant with AHCPR guidelines.

Additional details

  • Curad® Sterile Saline Wound Wash is a 0.9% sodium chloride solution used for wound cleansing.
  • Curad® Saline Wound Wash gently cleanses minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.
  • Pressurized flow effectively removes dirt and debris with better control and less waste.
  • It dispenses a controlled spray at any angle, even upside down.
  • The Medline Saline Wound Wash is a spray solution of sterile saline that cleans off wounds such as cuts, scrapes, and burns without harming the sensitive damaged area. Traditionally, a saline wash is poured onto the skin from a bottle with no type of flow control, causing a waste of saline wash from these open-mouth bottles.
  • Medline 7.1-oz. Sterile Saline Wound Wash Spray Can, 1 Each - MDSALINE7
  • The Medline 7.1 Oz. Sterile Saline Solution is used to clean off wounds by spraying the solution directly on the wound, also helping to remove debris and dirt as it rinses the affected area with a direct spray of sterile saline. By being provided in a spray can, you reduce the loss of saline solution and can cover the damaged area more directly than you would if you were to pour a bottled solution over the wound, spilling the solution.
    • CURAD Saline Wound Wash gently cleanses minor cuts, scrapes, and burns
    • Pressurized flow effectively removes dirt and debris with better control and less waste
    • It dispenses a controlled spray at any angle, even upside down
    • Sterile, 0.9% USP sodium chloride

  • PRODUCT TYPE - Saline
  • PRODUCT USE - Minor Scrapes Wounds And Burns
  • SIZE OUNCES - 7.1 oz